"First let me say I'm being asked to change my user name but before I do, I want to respond to some common threads regarding me etc. The term "new direction" as to why I should be replaced, didn't entirely make sense to me. But I was amicable and understanding and hugged the people telling me, saying "I know it was not your fault and thanks for many years of great work."
When Nancy's voice sounded older, it was because I was told to sound that way. I'm can sound any age and maintain that character. I think perhaps they knew the audience age range had matured. We also tried to give her a little bit more attitude sometimes when confronting a suspect we knew might be the bad guy. Mixed reactions were the result of those attempts. Can't please everybody all the time, right? This brings me to the second point.
Secondly: When we tried to make Nancy sound more cool, modern, or sarcastic, we were stopped in our tracks. Told it wasn't true to her persona. I could not even say "Gonna" instead of "going to." She could not believe in anything supernatural, could not pronounce foreign words very well etc. I had to go along with the acceptable persona....always nice, straight-laced, a bit clueless on how to pronounce things, and no slang. The writer and I both hoped many of the adlibs and fun recorded moments would remain in the game, but they would get nixed before release.
Thirdly, I was asked to remain until they found their new Nancy voice and they wanted to write me in as some recurring character, like a mentor to Nancy. I felt that fans might not resonate well with this, and I asked permission to thank the fans (for my closure and to allow Her to be able to do an open search without disguising what voice they were looking for) I waited for permission, and Her approved what I was posting before I posted it. The first post I made on FB where I did not have a lot of ND fans. I did this Halloween afternoon so as few people as possible would notice. I could not sleep and needed closure PLUS I wanted to let fans know how much I appreciated them and that I did not walk out on them or make anyone at HER upset with me
Lastly, It was never anything about a money issue, a talent issue, my not being available issue.....none of these. I can't totally fathom the logic behind this change, but I want to give both the fans and HER the respect they deserve. So please stop calling HER and me rude and unprofessional. I did not want them to do a tribute to me as it would be like an obituary. I am humble, and just wanted peace and closure without a lot of ceremony. I hope you all can respect that, and know I wish everyone all the best.
I am so grateful and frankly, very surprised at how many fans Nancy Drew has, and it's not just me, it's the games of course. The creative team at HER has been very supportive and gone through quite a bit. I wish them continued success and hope this post answers some questions and calms some nerves.
Thank you again for everything"
It will be sad that Lani is leaving, but I think it's sufficiently explained here.
Her also has a new photo in the merch store for just about every occasion! It says
It's a Nancy Drew thing, you wouldn't understand
- Samantha Quick
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